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McAllister Confirms Minority Gov’t

ROTHESAY — Premier Ethan McAllister has confirmed he intends to form a minority government after his Liberal Conservative Party won the most seats in Monday’s general election.

The LCP won 3 of the 7 seats in the House of Assembly; 1 short of a majority. However, citing parliamentary math, McAllister has stated he will continue on as New Ulster’s premier.

The premier promised to push ahead with his party’s election platform but also insisted he had ‘heard the voters’.

‘We’re not a one party state,’ McAllister said, ‘we need all our voices to be heard.’ He vowed to ‘listen to and work with’ all members of the House in order to ‘achieve the best’ for New Ulster.

In announcing his decision to form a minority government, Premier McAllister cited what he called ‘parliamentary math’. To pass legislation and — more importantly — to survive no confidence motions, McAllister needs 4 votes but only has 3 guaranteed.

While he said he was continuing talks with an independent MP to secure confidence and supply, the premier also said he would work with the Democratic Party — who will form the Official Opposition — on a case by case basis.

To secure his government, however, McAllister is reliant on the Speaker of the House of Assembly, who does not vote except to break a tie. Convention in the Westminster system used by New Ulster dictates that, when voting to break a tie, the Speaker votes to ‘preserve the status quo’. In other words: the Speaker will not create a majority where there isn’t one.

This may prove troublesome for the Lib-Cons in passing bills because the Speaker in such a tie-break scenario would vote against a bill creating a new law. However, it will provide comfort where it counts: the Speaker would also vote against a no confidence motion in the government; making it unlikely McAllister’s LCP will be ousted this way.

The current Speaker of the House is Autumn Hunter, 1 of the 2 independent candidates elected Monday. McAllister stated she had his — and his party’s — full support in the role.

McAllister is due to meet with Governor Sir Geoffrey Marsden on Wednesday where it is expected the Premier will be asked to ‘form the next government’ (in other words, remain in office).

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