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Roberts sworn in as Governor General

Alana Roberts has taken office as 2nd Governor General of New Ulster is a short but symbolic ceremony this afternoon.

The 39-year-old takes over from Sir Geoffrey Marsden who announced before Christmas that he would resign in early 2023. After a prolonged interview process—causing Sir Geoffrey to delay his resignation by a month—Alana Roberts was nominated by Prime Minister Sir Ethan McAllister on January 20, 2023.

Roberts was previously on track to be named first Chief Justice of New Ulster but was invited to interview for Governor General while the government was searching for suitable candidates. She becomes the first woman to occupy the office of Governor General.

After reciting the oath of allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III, Governor General Roberts made a short speech where she thanked her predecessor calling him, 'an example of dedication to duty.'

She added that she 'hoped to live up to expectations', concluding 'I will strive to serve New Ulster, her King, and her citizens.'

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