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Government of New Ulster

New Ulster is a self-proclaimed — though unrecognized — internally self-governing overseas territory of the United Kingdom, more widely referred to as a 'micronation'.  As such, our government structure is modeled on that of the United Kingdom: a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.


As a constitutional monarchy, the Queen of New Ulster — currently Queen Elizabeth II — is the head of state.  She is represented in the country by the Governor who exercises the monarch's reserve powers on Her behalf and in Her name.

The Governor of New Ulster is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Premier. The main duties of the Governor are to appoint the Premier, convene and dissolve the House of Assembly, and 'ensure the good governance' of New Ulster.


The Premier of New Ulster is the country's head of government and responsible for the day-to-day running of the government.  The Premier is appointed by the Governor based on who he or she thinks can 'command the confidence' of the House of Assembly.


The House of Assembly is the legislature of New Ulster.  It is presided over by the Speaker of the House, whom is elected by its members at their first sitting following an election. As a parliamentary democracy, the House of Assembly is considered the most powerful political entity in New Ulster: nothing becomes law without its say so, and the government only remains in office while it has the backing of the House.

Government: About Us

Queen of New Ulster

Her Majesty Elizabeth II, by Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, New Ulster and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has reigned as monarch of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand since 1952.


New Ulster considers itself the 17th Commonwealth Realm and the Queen has been its head of state since independence in 2021.

Governor of New Ulster

His Excellency The Right Honourable

Sir Geoffrey Marsden

Sir Geoffrey is a veteran of the Canadian Army, having served 'Queen and Country' for 9 years between 1995 and 2004.


His public service led him to become a natural choice for Governor of New Ulster and he was duly nominated by Premier Ethan McAllister on August 2, 2021. With no objection received from Her Majesty within 10 working days, Sir Geoffrey formally assumed the office of Governor on August 16, 2021.


Premier of New Ulster

The Right Honourable

Sir Stephen Cameron ONU MP

One of the co-founders of New Ulster, Sir Stephen Cameron was described as the ‘energy behind the idea’ of founding New Ulster. 

Cameron founded the currently governing New Ulster Democratic Party in August 2021, making it the country’s first and oldest political party.

He was inducted into the Order of New Ulster for services to the country in the 2022 New Year’s Honours List, awarding him the title of ‘Sir’.


Sir Stephen has served as Premier since November 16, 2021.


Speaker of the House of Assembly

The Right Honourable

Autumn Hunter MP

Hunter majored in Drama at the University of New Brunswick, which perfectly placed her for the often dramatic and demanding role of Speaker of the House of Assembly of New Ulster.


Elected to the position in the House's first sitting on August 3, 2021, she has played — and continues to play — a key role in establishing parliamentary practice in New Ulster.

Government: Team
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