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Independent MP crosses floor, sparks ‘constitutional crisis’

ROTHESAY — An independent (unaffiliated) member of Parliament has been accused by government ministers today of ‘sparking a constitutional crisis’ after officially joining the opposition benches.

Member of Parliament Clara Hennigan ‘crossed the floor’ to join the Democratic Party led by Stephen Cameron, which forms the Official Opposition in the House of Assembly. Hennigan cited what she termed the incumbent government’s ‘lack of transparency and attempts to circumvent parliament’ as reasons for her defection to the Dems.

Hennigan’s move comes 4 weeks to the day after Speaker of the House, Autumn Hunter, also controversially crossed the floor to join Cameron’s side. It means that the Democratic Party now has 4 MPs — a majority in the 7 member House.

The Liberal Conservative Party of Premier Ethan McAllister has served in office as a minority government since it won 3 (of 7) seats in August’s general election.

The development has left New Ulster in an unexpected constitutional limbo: the Constitution Act stipulates a government remains in office only so long as it ‘commands the confidence’ of the House of Assembly. McAllister’s LibCons no longer do so.

It has led to a political standoff, with neither government nor opposition wanting to make the first move. As premier, McAllister retains the option of an election — an option neither side appears keen on. Conversely, as Leader of the Official Opposition, Cameron can call a vote of no confidence in the premier and win — but his government’s ‘legitimacy’ may be questioned by the electorate.

It is abundantly clear, however, that the statement will need to end and end soon. Premier McAllister will either have to resign and let Cameron take over or else call an election. The Constitution Act grants Governor Sir Geoffrey Marsden the explicit power to appoint the premier on the Queen’s behalf. Should McAllister not make his move in the coming days, the Constitution requires the Governor to do so.

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